Arborists Albuquerque, Tree Care

Codling Moth

codling moth tree service NM

Codling Moth

Apple growers beware – the season approaches for codling moths.  Adults are small, about one-half inch long, and grayish brown with a coppery color on the wing tips. They are very hard to spot on the tree. Eggs are laid on the new fruit, and from these emerge little caterpillars. These larvae feed inside apples (and crabapples and pears), causing the core and adjacent fruit flesh to get all brown and gross. What can be done about these pests?

Mating disruption is done in commercial scale orchards. Multiple lures emit synthetic pheromone, swamping out the natural signal. The manufacturers recommend only using it in five acre or larger orchards, but some clients we’ve talked to tell us the technique has worked in just their backyard.

Legacy Tree Company can help you understand how best to approach the problem – schedule a consultation!

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