Legacy Tree Company offers immediate help with emergency tree services. When you need a failed tree taken care of, you need it done now. We are a call away. If you need a tree which has fallen removed; if you have a large dead leader precariously balanced +45’ in the air safely lowered and carted away; if you need a dead tree wiped off the face of your landscape: we are here to help.
Often, large removals need to be accomplished via removal with crane or aerial lift. Our company owns one. Wood is craned or rigged safely and securely from canopy to ground and processed by our ground crew. If this kind of access is not feasible, our climbers are happily equipped to handle removals through climbing and manually rigging wood down. We approach our work utilizing different techniques, including: single-rope and moveable rope systems. We work closely with technicians who specialize in grinding stumps. If our clients need a stump removed, this is an option to pursue.
We also are in position to help with creating defensible space to manage the risk of wild-land fire threatening your property and home.
We are available to emergency tree service, call us!
The creation of defensible space is accomplished through systematic thinning of individual trees and woody shrubs on site. It is also accomplished through pruning (typically by “legging”) the remaining trees on site to prevent creeping fires from torching trees. Trees are more aggressively thinned the closer they are to the protected home.
Sometimes it is not clear whether or not a tree poses great threat or risk to your property or home. At Legacy Tree Company, our familiarity with local species and stressors will help you make an informed decision as to how much risk you are willing to tolerate. There are often alternatives to immediate removal. Removal is not always a prudent course to pursue. Sometimes, the best course of action for a horse stable is to simply rearrange the fencing and area their horses occupy. In so doing they preserve the heritage cottonwoods that define their Southwestern, ranch land lifestyle.
The various parameters involved in seeing these kinds of situations to their best end are numerous. Tree work is dangerous; Hazard mitigation, even more so. When you hire Legacy Tree Company, you get, licensed and trained professionals- conducting the work in a prompt and safe manner for everyone involved.

We Offer a Full Spectrum of Tree Services
We're Here to Help with Emergency Tree Services

Common Questions About Caring for Your Tree
Legacy Tree Company offers immediate help with emergency tree services. When you need a failed tree taken care of, you need it done now. We are a call away.
As ISA-certified arborists in Albuquerque, we come out to your property and determine whether your tree is sound or needs removal. In assessing whether a tree poses a threat, we lean heavily on the basic principles established by the International Society of Arboriculture’s TRAQ program (Tree Risk Assessment Qualification). We examine the presence and potential of a target, examine the size of the piece that might fail, and consider the probability of failure. With this assessment, our team can give you insight into deciding whether your tree warrants remediation or removal.
Tree trimming in Albuquerque is one of our most common services. Unfortunately, most trees in our area are drought-stressed, and this can lead to unhealthy trees. Tree trimming provides your trees with the opportunity to thrive. If you have questions about tree trimming, just give us a call. We do provide free estimates on tree trimming and can provide care consultations for a small fee.
This is a great question we can’t answer in an FAQ. We can come to your property and give you our opinion on whether or not your tree needs to be removed or if it can be nursed back to health. Legacy Tree Company does provide free estimates and can provide consulting for a small fee.
Cities We Serve
New Mexico. Take one step into New Mexico, and you’ll feel the energetic, friendly vibe that circulates throughout the state. There is always something to do here