Irrigation Maintenance And Repair

Irrigation Maintenance and Repair
The main challenge we face growing trees in the Albuquerque area is that, well – it’s a desert. Trees don’t naturally grow in deserts, except around the few reliable sources of water that do grace our landscape. So, we must irrigate trees, and most landscape plants, if we want them to grow and thrive.
There are lots of ways to irrigate landscapes, from holding a hose to installing a robust wifi-enabled multi-zone underground system. All of them can work, but the simpler systems require a lot more attention – did you remember to hold the hose long enough for every plant? Automated systems are more worry-free, but not completely so. One big issue is maintenance and repair.
If the system was installed when the plants were young, you likely need to move emitters away from the base and add emitters. Plants grow, roots grow…plastic doesn’t, so you need to help it along. Emitters may have become plugged up and aren’t flowing right, or at all. Others may have popped off, leaving a stream of water in one area and less everywhere else in the system. Animals may have chewed into the lines, seeking life-giving water.
If you’re handy with that work, jump right. If you’re not handy that way, or maybe the irrigation system is hard to figure out, or maybe you don’t have an irrigation system but want one that really works… contact Legacy Tree Company and let us check, repair, and improve your tree’s lifeline to water.
Click here to find out more about our Albuquerque tree removal services.