The Mighty Mulberry Tree

The Mighty Mulberry Tree
If you asked, what is the perfect large shade tree for the Albuquerque area, you might find that many local arborists would say that mulberry fits that bill. But of course, nothing is perfect, and mulberry trees do have some downsides.
On the positive side, these trees can grow in some very rough conditions, where many other species would not. Their roots explore far and wide for water, seeming to find it where none should be. Their strong-wooded branches do not break easily, even when dead and decayed. Large, deep green leaves block out almost all the light coming from above, making them one of our best big shade trees. Often growing as broad as they do tall, they can really fill in a yard. Many of these durable trees have been growing here for several decades and show no signs of decline.
So, what are the downsides? For one, they have been banned from planting within Albuquerque city limits, due to a concern about pollen allergies. These trees are either male or female; the females can grow a huge crop of tasty but messy purple fruits. Due to the messy fruits, folks back in the day pushed “fruitless” mulberry trees, which are simply male specimens. Because they are wind pollinated, the male trees shed copious amounts of pollen in spring, a definite problem to those suffering allergies. The ban only prevents new plantings, so there are still many magnificent specimens all around the area.
Click here to find out more about our Albuquerque tree removal services.