Deep Root Water Injections
Deep Root Water Injections
While wood-chip mulch and well-spaced irrigation are an ideal combination to promote strong, healthy tree roots in an urban setting, that is not always possible In hot xeric landscapes with lots of rock, weed barrier, and limited irrigation, we often recommend periodic deep watering using soil injection equipment. By adding dilute amounts of natural nutrient sources like fish emulsion, kelp and other products to a large volume of water, we make up for the lack of nutrients available in the xeric landscape. Simultaneously we supply the often drought-stressed trees with additional water.
This fortified water is injected sideways into the soil at about six inches deep. From there it seeps sideways and downward, bringing critical water and necessary nutrients to the all-important absorbing roots. It also helps break up soil compaction and thus makes root growth and root function that much easier. Maintaining proper irrigation, and managing available nutrients is vital to tree health. That is why this deep root fertilizing is a core part of our tree maintenance program.
We recommend this service to jumpstart recovery of trees that have had irrigation improvements to the landscape. Similarly, we recommend rehydrating the soil around trees that are scheduled to have systemic insecticide treatments, as those treatments rely on strong vascular flow in the tree to work, and strong vascular flow depends on available soil moisture. There are a variety of circumstance for taking advantage of this service, so give us a call to see if your trees will benefit.
Contact us to find out why we are considered the best tree service in Albuquerque.