Deadwood and Decay In Trees

Deadwood and Decay In Trees
Arborists often prune dead branches out of trees. We do this to improve the look, to reduce the risk of branch failure and to allow for ongoing monitoring of health conditions. Very few tree diseases or pests can be successfully dealt with through pruning, and it turns out that there may be value in leaving some of those dead and decaying branches in the tree. According to Dr. Jerry Franklin, a leading forest ecologist from the University of Washington, “At the time a tree dies, it has only partially fulfilled its potential ecological function.”
Many organisms depend on dead trees, or dead/decayed parts of trees, for their survival. Insects feed on the declining tree, speeding up that process but then providing food for woodpeckers and other birds. The holes that woodpeckers make become homes for birds, squirrels, raccoons…creatures trying to share our urban living space with us.
Large dead branches may be shortened to reduce failure, with a short, thick stub left which then becomes wildlife habitat. Even smaller dead branches high in the tree’s canopy have wildlife value – many types of birds like to perch up there to see what is going on in their world. Sometimes it’s songbirds, watching out for Cooper’s hawks. Sometimes it’s Cooper’s hawks, looking for songbirds to catch and eat. At Legacy Tree Company, we value wildlife and work to make your trees safe and healthy while also keeping important habitat in place for our feathered and furry friends.
Click here to find out more about our Albuquerque tree removal services.